The perfect balance between body and mind is the key to achieve good health.
Price: | HKD$178 up |
Thai Herb Ball 泰式草球按摩 (NEW)
Using a round herbal ball of special herbs. it has been used in Thailand for over 400 years in Thailand as medicinal hot compress to relieve aches and pains of the body.
Time: | 25mins |
Price: | Hk$228 |
Ear Picking + Hot Stone Massage 採耳 + 熱石按摩 (NEW)
Observing the ear canal through the endoscope, and choosing appropriate tools to remove the earwax in the ear canal, not only can cleans the ears and improves hearing, but also helps to relax and sleep. Following up with the hot Stone Massage which will leave the body feeling totally relaxed and refreshed.
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$398 |
Body Steam Therapy 體蒸 (蒸身)
Body Steam Therapy can promote “yang chi”, especially good for those who have cold hands and feet. It also promotes blood circulation, improves sleep, and relieves rheumatism, menstrual pain, headaches, other painful symptoms and swelling. It is suitable for those who do less exercise and have physical weakness.
Time: | 30mins |
Price: | HK$188 |
Foot Steam Therapy 足蒸 (蒸腳)
古法足蒸(蒸腳)可自選6款精選特效藥包各有功效及天然香氣:幫助通筋活絡 、消除疲勞、舒緩酸痛以及幫肋入眠。
The feet are the largest organ in the human body, so it is best to promote the microcirculation through the foot. Foot Steam Therapy encourages the microcirculation so that the body can smoothly absorb nutrients, metabolize wastes, and strengthen our body health.
Time: | 30mins |
Price: | HK$138 |
Foot Massage 足道反射按摩
舒解久站久行後雙腿的疲勞。從傳統中醫角度,刺激腳底相對穴道,更有助五臟六腑健康 ,令你全日疲勞壓力盡消之餘,更可固本培元。
Rub away those tiring feet after a long day walking in a comfortable chair with a herbal tea, soothing music and reading materials.
10-minute Aroma Foot Spa is provided 送10分鐘免費香薰泡腳浴
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$248 |
Back and Shoulder Massage 肩背按摩
This is a massage to relieve stress-related tension in the back and shoulder area. Gentle acupressure is applied to restore a sense of serenity to your day.
Time: | 25mins |
Price: | HK$188 |
Traditional Body Massage 傳統指壓按摩
以傳統中國穴位手法有助舒緩身體痛症、疏通經絡、促進血液循環、刺激穴道 。更能使身體分泌內啡肽:有安神、舒緩精神緊張作用。
A traditional oriental technique with a moderate to strong touch on the body pressure points to stimulate and restore balance to the body by releasing blockages along the energy pathways. Relieves tension and stress and promotes overall well being.
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$328 |
Body Massage with Oil 全身踩背 / 推油按摩
This is our signature treatment with a pure base massage oil. The strokes involve soothing hands movement and foot movement over the back body. Intensive spinal pressures help to rebalance the nervous system as deep healing massage soothes back, neck and shoulders and foot reflexes.
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$348 |
Ginger Oil Massage for Tummy 薑油推肚按摩
Massaging the tummy with warm ginger oil helps to alleviate flatulence, reduce abdominal bloating, stimulate peristalsis of the intestines, relieve constipation, expel wind and cold, and restore the abdomen to its prenatal state. For ladies it helps to warm up the womb by detoxifying the uterus, eliminating congestion and improving overall blood circulation.
Time: | 25 mins |
Price: | Hk$218 |
Aromatherapy Massage 香薰按摩
採用高質純按摩油,再混合TEGODER 天然香薰精油,多種香薰精油各有功效,任君選擇。配合專業獨家按摩手法可放鬆肌肉,促進血液和淋巴循環有助放鬆心情。
This superb massage starts with selecting a blended massage oil to suit your needs. The strokes involve soothing hands movement which works into the muscle and soft tissue to induce relief from stress and tension. Strength can be varied to your maximum comfort.
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$398 |
Aroma Candle Oil Warm Massage 有機香薰暖蠟全身按摩
Combines creamy wax and gentle massage movements to relax the body and mind. Aromatic wax can deeply nourish the skin and professional techniques of massage can relax muscles, stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation.
Time: | (50mins) |
Price: | HK$518 |
Lymphatic Massage 淋巴排毒按摩
This massage uses a very light pressure combined with soft pumping movements in the direction of the lymph nodes. Immune system functions are significantly increased, improving metabolism and helping the body to eliminate waster and toxins. As with most massages, it is vital to drink lots of water after a lymphatic massage to flush away toxins that have been released.
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$418 |
Hot Stones Massage 熱石按摩
This is a traditional Chinese-styled massage with hot stones. The heat generated by the heated stones can release positive energy over our muscle so as to soothe muscle pain. The gentle massage will leave the body feeling totally relaxed and refreshed.
Time: | 50mins |
Price: | HK$398 |
Magnetic Detox Therapy 漢方磁療
Magnetic Massagers contain magnetic force that naturally improves our blood circulation. It can penetrate the skin to eliminate physical and mental fatigue, edema and lymphatic obstruction.
Time: | 25mins |
Price: | HK$288 |
Chinese Scraping (Gua Sha) / Cupping 刮痧/拔罐
Cupping is a technique in which a vacuum is created within a cup using heat or suction, and the cup is placed on a patient’s skin; this breaks up adhesions that are blocking the flow of qi and nutrients to different parts of the body. Cupping can stimulate lymphatic and blood flow to an area to remove toxins and facilitate healing
Gua Sha,with unidirectional pressure stroke to an area on the body using a blunt tool. Gua Sha has been used to treat many different types of medical problems, such as pain, nausea,coughing, limited range of motion, and fever.
Time: | 25mins |
Price: | HK$218 |
Pedicure 腳甲美容
The treatment starts with aromatic foot soak, followed by cutting and shaping your nails, removing the cuticle, moisturizing with cream and nail re-varnishing for the completion of treatment.
Time: | 60mins |
Price: | HK$338 (Soak Off Gel + HK$140) |
Manicure 指甲美容
The treatment starts with hand soak, followed by cutting and shaping your nails, removing the cuticle, moisturizing with cream and nail re-varnishing for the completion of treatment.
Time: | 45mins |
Price: | HK$198 (Soak Off Gel + HK$140) |
Shanghai Pedicure 上海式修腳
Cut and shape your nails with traditional Shanghai technique.
Time: | 45mins |
Price: | HK$198 |